Tattoos are increasingly popular, but should not be underestimated the dangers that it can bring to us. Therefore, it is necessary to equip yourself with the basic knowledge of tattoos and how to limit and how to prevent the dangers that may occur if you are planning to have a tattoo for yourself.
How is the tattoo?
Tattoos are a trace that exists permanently on the baseball jerseys custom skin formed by spraying color matter into the epidermis of the skin. The tattoo artist will use the device with one or more needles to repeat the skin on the skin, each time the tattoo ink will be pumped into the skin.
Tattoo removal issue: Although with advances in the technique of using laser, the removal of a tattoo is still a process that requires careful and meticulous, including many stages and costs. . The tattoo removal completely without leaving scars is impossible.

Allergic reactions
Although the FDA has received many reports on adverse reactions that occur related to a type of ink with different types of tattoos for permanent tattoos for the beauty of a manufacturer, Report on allergic reactions to tattoo ink is still rare. However, once this problem happens, it is really very troublesome because ink is difficult to erase. Usually, allergic reactions may occur even after many years.
Seed tumors: These are small particles that can be formed around the tattoo position because the body identifies it as a strange object.
Complications when scanning MRI: There are many reports on swelling or burns in the skin with tattooed skin when photographic magnetic resonance. However, this rarely happens and does not last. There are also many reports on the effects of tattoo ink on the quality of images when taking MRI. This happens mainly for those who tattoo the eye border permanently when taking eye -eyed MRI. However, the risks of not taking MRI when the doctor's request seems to be worse than the troubles of the interaction between MRI and tattoos. Instead of avoiding MRI scan, people who have tattoos should notify the technician about it.
Although the study is still being conducted
there are many questions posed on long -term reactions of pigments, other components, and substances in tattoo ink. The FDA received reports on adverse reactions related to tattoo ink right after the tattoo clothing tattoo was finished and even after tattooing for many years. You may also be allergic to other products such as hair dyes, if your tattoo contains p-phenylenediamene
And next will be about the problem of removing tattoos. We do not know long -term or short -term consequences that can occur after breaking laser pigments. However, we all know the methods of removing tattoos will leave permanent scars